Taurus Spirit.
Let's conjure up the spirit of Taurus.
Abracadabra, As above so below, the material world is a mirror. The things we see with our eyes are reflections of the psychic dimension.
Some of these reflections have more evocative power than others. They are symbols. They bridge the visible and the invisible.
The zodiac signs are such bridges. Taurus, as grounded as it looks, is no exception.
The picture of the bull conjures up the vision of herds of cattle and green pastures. Imagine we’re still living in a pre industrial, agricultural society. Taurus shows wealth and fertility.
Do you see the thriving bull? The earth underneath is moist. There are worms under the grass. There is life. In the Northern Hemisphere, where astrology is from, when the Sun is in Taurus, it’s the middle of spring. There are flowers and showers. We can almost feel the etheric dimension nourishing the material plane.
The bull is fleshy, almost juicy. Its mass is impressive. Sometimes it demonstrates his power: he charges because you walked into his territory. However, most of the time, he looks like an animal Buddha, standing still in the present moment.
Reading this post on YouTube.
Taurus is a sign with great focus on the conditions of incarnation (a word which literally means: becoming meat).
Meat is a metaphor we can use in various circumstances. For a musician, the meat is the repertoire. It is the quantity of music he or she is able to perform.
For someone who likes to dress up, the meat is hanging in the wardrobe. Good taste, elegance, style are hanging in the air, to manifest on the material plane, these qualities need Taurus stuff hanging concretely in a wardrobe.
A philosophical concept is "Substance".
Taurus accumulates. At the beginning of life, after being born we soon start suckling and putting on weight. Before incarnation we were as thin as spirit in the wind. Now our mother is proud of our three or four kilograms of baby. There will be more.
Taurus wants quality. It’s ruled by Venus. However, the Great Mother Goddess knows that quantity comes first. There must be something rather than nothing, and taking it from there, the more beautiful and nice smelling the better.
Taurus is fixed. Taurus people have a reputation for stubbornness. This is not rigidity but inertia, the power of mass.
Let’s zoom out. There is a herd around the bull, there are pastures, fields and meadows, a little house, or a big one, more cattle, sheep, goats, horses, hens, pigs, wealth!
You need a bull to mean wealth.
A cow could belong to a poor family.
As a storyteller, I know that once upon a time, there was a poor widow who lived with her son, a little boy, and all they had was a cow. She would graze along the road grass that belonged to nobody. Thanks to this cow the widow could give at least some milk to her son...
You would not have, once upon a time, a widow who would have only a bull. Gender identity confusion dissipates very quickly when you try to milk a bull. No, once upon a time, if you have a bull, you have a herd, and you own land, pastures, fields, animals, you are wealthy. You can praise the Great Goddess who appeared, accompanied by bulls, at the beginning of the Neolithic in the history of humanity.
The time of being hunters and gatherers was over. Food was domesticated.
Come back next year: the bull will be bigger. The herd will be bigger. There will be more gold buried under the fireplace - or money in the bank.
As you can see there is a lot Taurus can tell without the help of mythology. But I've nothing against ancient tales!
The zodiac signs are from Babylon, and we know Greek mythology better, it doesn't matter, various streams can end up flowing into the same sea.
Minos had a deal with Poseidon. The God sent a magnificent bull out of the sea as a sign meant to tell Minos' brothers that he, Minos, was the one who should sit on the throne.
Had Poseidon sent an ugly cricket or a skinny toad, the brothers wouldn't have been convinced. A magnificent bull, on the other hand... If a god sends one for you, you don't need to repeat positive affirmations to boost your self-esteem anymore. You're the king. The bull means value.
Minos loved the bull so much he couldn't part with it. He was supposed to sacrifice it back to Poseidon. That was the deal! He gave another magnificent bull from his collection instead, but this other piece wasn't as worthy as the original. The God was insulted.
Poseidon's revenge was to inflict on Minos' wife, Pasifae, to desire the bull as much as Minos did, and even more. We only need to blur a little bit the pictures, stop to believe that Minos and his wife are two different characters - they are just two phases of the same energy. We all know loving something a little bit too much, alcohol, food, money, sex, attention, weed or whatever... We may get addicted. The more we give in to temptation, the more we crave. That's Neptune's revenge for missing the point.
Let’s question family history to understand the addiction. A white bull, wasn't it the form Zeus chose to seduce and abduct Europa?
And then they had children, Minos was one of them.
Now, the story repeats itself, amplified to grotesque proportions. Pasifae, disguised as a cow had sex with the bull, ha ha ha, the next phase of the same energy comes as her son, the Minotaur, a monster, half human half beast, locked up and lost in a labyrinth. Relationship status: it's complicated.
If Minos had remembered that he was Zeus' son, that he was born from the White Bull, he would have seen Poseidon's present as meaning: "Remember who you are, son of Zeus and Europa, you, fruit of the union of divine essence and mortal flesh!"
His sin, his stupidity, his trauma response if you prefer, was to want to have the bull, as if he was not it already. Had he remembered his own nature, he would have seen Poseidon's present as a mere reflection of himself. He wouldn't have felt the need to possess this reflection, and his feminine side wouldn't have been possessed in the process. He would have sacrificed the bull effortlessly. Reflections belong to Poseidon. Neptune rules illusions.
We are gods. To handle our own flesh, we better not forget who we are.
We don’t have to be possessed by the desire to possess. We can sing instead, the joy of being who we are, incarnated!
Jean-Marc Pierson
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There is also an Astrology Retreat in Turkey planned for October.