How to make sense of astrological charts?

Let’s read a few of them together. It’s the best way to learn. 

I love very small groups (two or three people, maximum four) or one-to-one teaching. You get my full attention, you can ask many questions and the atmosphere is much more enjoyable.

- One session per week over five weeks

- Two or  three people, on zoom. Maximum four. 

- One-to-one teaching is also an option.

- One hour per session.

- Next series:

One option is to start this Saturday the 1st of February at 4pm British Time. (Too late!)

Butnever let the date and time I suggest stop you!

The other option is: you contact me, we decide together when it’s convenient, and for a group class we look for at least one second person. (I announce on social media)

Let me know your approximate level (Complete beginner, Some notions, Understanding of basic meanings of signs, houses, planets and aspects, Experienced)

Various focuses are possible: transits and progressions, chart comparisons, karmic astrology, horary astrology, class for beginners etc.

Just ask, we only need to find a second other person to start a group session.  

-  £95 altogether. (Price in GPB - it’s about US$125)

- £225 if you opt for one to one teaching

What we may talk about: 

-How to identify the main players. 

-The evolutionary path through the position of the nodes, their rulers and Black Moon Lilith. 

-Looking for themes that may be repeated by various indicators 

-Understanding  the interactions between dominant energies

-How to integrate the various threads into a coherent story. 

- How to sharpen our intuition

-And most importantly, your questions as they come up.

We are working with our own charts - if you agree to share - and/or on charts I propose.  

 How to join: 

Contact me. The form is on the homepage.

Send payment through Paypal in British Pounds (£95 for group sessions/ £225 for one to one) to If you don’t use paypal, I have a Wise account (It’s an international account). Contact me for details or use this link:

(Paypal charges extra fees if you mention it’s a professional service. Don’t worry, I will deliver the class or refund!) 

Message me to confirm payment, and I’ll give you the zoom link for the class. 

You will receive a link to download the recording after every class.

You are free to attend the sessions or not. You’ll get the recordings in all cases. 

Suggestion of the chef:

Evolutionary Astrology 

Five sessions to learn how to interpret:

-The nodes of the Moon

-Black Moon Lilith

-The placements in sign, house and aspects of the rulers of the nodes and BLM

-Planets in aspect to the nodes

-All the above in the context of the general structure of the chart

We practice on our own charts - only if you're OK with sharing your astrology with the group - or on charts I propose.