How to make sense of astrological charts?

Let’s read a few of them together. It’s the best way to learn. 

I love very small groups (two or three people, maximum four) or one-to-one teaching. You get my full attention, you can ask many questions and the atmosphere is much more enjoyable.

- One session per week over five weeks

- Two or  three people, on zoom. Maximum four. 

- One-to-one teaching is also an option.

- One hour per session.

- Next series:

One option is to start this Saturday the 12th at 4pm British Summer Time.

Another option is to decide together when it’s convenient, and look for at least a second person. Don’t let the date and time I suggest stop you!

To join, you need to know at least the basic meanings of planets, signs and houses.

Alternative focuses are indeed possible: transits and progressions, chart comparisons, karmic astrology, horary astrology…or absolute beginners).Just ask, we only need to find one other person to start.  

-  £95 altogether. (Price in GPB - it’s about US$125)

- £225 if you opt for one to one teaching

We’ll talk about: 

-How to identify the main players. 

-The evolutionary path through the position of the nodes, their rulers and Black Moon Lilith. 

-Looking for themes that may be repeated by various indicators 

-Understanding  the interactions between dominant energies

-How to integrate the various threads into a coherent story. 

- How to sharpen our intuition

-And most importantly, your questions as they come up.

We are working with our own charts - if you agree to share - and/or on charts I propose.  

 How to join: 

Contact me. The form is on the homepage.

Send payment through Paypal in British Pounds (£95 for group sessions/ £225 for one to one) to If you don’t use paypal, I have a Wise account (It’s an international account). Contact me for details. 

(Paypal charges extra fees if you mention it’s a professional service. Don’t worry, I will deliver the class or refund!) 

Message me to confirm payment, and I’ll give you the zoom link for the class. 

You will receive a link to download the recording after every class.

You are free to attend the sessions or not. You’ll get the recordings in all cases. 

Suggestion of the chef:

Evolutionary Astrology 

Five sessions to learn how to interpret:

-The nodes of the Moon

-Black Moon Lilith

-The placements in sign, house and aspects of the rulers of the nodes and BLM

-Planets in aspect to the nodes

-All the above in the context of the general structure of the chart

We practice on our own charts - only if you're OK with sharing your astrology with the group - or on charts I propose.